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Used /2 BMW motorcycle transmission parts for sale.

by Duane Ausherman


I have a few transmission parts for sale.  The descriptions are the best that I have available now.   These are from my old dealership, BMW of Marin, in San Rafael, California.   I sold out in 1975 and took the best parts with me.  Some of these are from this time.   I do not guarantee more than I say about them.   Thanks for reading this. 

A nearly perfect set of slightly used /2 transmission gears

This full set of gears has been in my coveted stash of rare or super parts for over 30 years.  Of the gears that came out in the /2, over 90% were poorly machined.  This set is one of the few sets of "good ones".  These gears have just enough miles to see that they have been used.  This set does not include the shift forks shown in the photo.

For all 4 gears, cluster gear and the 2 sliders, I am asking $500 plus shipping. 

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This page was last edited: 04/08/2006 - copyright Duane Ausherman
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