The following are only a few of the 300 + emails about this site. Some have been
taken out of context to shorten them up. Some have been edited to retain some
anonymity. I do appreciate feedback, because the questions often stimulate me
to answer with additions to my pages. Thanks.
Sincerely, Duane
While Duane was off line for a few years, on biz, he was gracious enough to
let me have all his stock of bearing preload shims; knowing that wheels are my
life. That he's most generous to sell these very custom made items to the public
is most generous and renews my faith that you'll read his page on bearing
preloading. BTW, if you've ever setup a BMW hub you MUST GO THERE.
Hi Duane: We've never met, but I've been a fan of yours for some time now
through the /5 web site. I felt moved today just to write and tell you how much
I appreciate you and Linda, who give so much of yourselves to others. I know
that to maintain and update a website such as yours requires a considerable
amount of time and effort and I applaud that. You seem to have led a
fascinating life and to have myriad interests.
Thanks a lot, your site is VERY informative and well maintained!
Hello Duane, just finished browsing through your web site on BMW info, and I
wanted to compliment you on the wealth of information there. I've been around
BMW's for 22 of my 43 years. And I currently own a '74 R90s, '93 R100RT and a
'73 R75/5. I've learned quite a bit by just browsing around. Thanks
for taking the time to make all this good information available.
I've been watching the postings for several months and I believe this is my
first post. I guess you could say I've been sandbagging. Recently I went to
Duane's site and spent over an hour grazing over the information, I'm still not
done. This is the most informative site I've have been to. I have owned the same
Toaster since 78 and have been doing everything wrong "or at least the hard
way". If you own an Airhead it's a must see! My hat goes off to you Duane.
Thanks for taking the time to share the experience and knowledge that you have
acquired in the industry.
Fabulous source of information. I sure wish I had had access to all this when
I began my hobby of restoring these /2's a decade ago....would have saved sooooooo
much time and money.
...still very helpful.
Many thanks
Hi Duane !! Just thought I would respond re: comments on Fork site....all.. I
repeat.. all posts and sites created by you and other gurus on the 5united site
are carefully picked apart for every little pearl of
wisdom/advice/experience. It is then saved in about three different places and
stored on c.d. for fear of losing this information, which in my case, the
restoration of my R75/5 would simply not be possible.. 30 year old
machines require more in-depth care than the average mechanically challenged
rider, ( like me ) can give by reading old ( and erroneous ) manuals. the
expertise handed out freely on this site is priceless in keeping them running
right....and safe. Therefore I submit the thought that you and the others
not only extend the life of these great old bikes.....but the lives of their
riders too.
You have done a great public service for all airhead owners, including
myself, and I want to thank you again. I will never forget the things I learned
here, though I may goof up, it is very comforting to have this site to fall back
on. You have my respect, and admiration, and I sincerely wish you well. You've
helped a lot of people, and that's never bad. You've been a savior on
Boxerworks. You are appreciated. James
Thank you Duane
I have got a wonderful helpful tip on your website. I could not explain
myself why the shift lever from the transmission hit the nut from the rear
mounting rod. Now I have installed the wedge pin with the thread to the top. That's really a rather odd finding. I don't know any expert in German who
describe this problem. So I got this tip from an pioneer of the BMW
history in the US.
Bernd, from Aachen, Germany
Thank you. I found it on your site, which I have spent a lot of time looking
at. You are very close to becoming my hero. To a guy with a /2 and a /5, you
rank as a near deity. In all seriousness, I really appreciate the depth of your
knowledge and your willingness to share it. I'm heading out for the garage now. Bob
You've been an invaluable help to those of us still on the learning curve.
I've learned very much, and I hate to admit it, but you may have saved my neck. I had some wheel problems, and thanks to you, they are no more. You're the only
source I could find pertaining to my specific problems, and I really do
seriously appreciate all you've done. I wish you well in all your endeavors. You
are great. James
You are a pleasure to deal with, but more important, you have and are,
creating perhaps the single most valuable resource website for owners of BMW
motorcycles. Your advice and insight to these machines is a blessing. I
just wanted to acknowledge your effort. Thanks.
Excuse me, but I've stumbled across your web page in my quest for BMW facts.
It's a pleasure to read well-written crusty comments by an obvious curmudgeon.
So, next time you're riding up 49 near Downieville, stop in.
Thanks Duane
I think you have me "sold." The more I hear, the more I believe the Brown is
"proper" for the bike - and proper works for me. By the Way: Once again, I thank
you for all you do for this list. The time you dedicate to it and your site is
amazing. Know that there are a large number of us who appreciate your efforts
and knowledge. You're part of what makes owning one of these old machines
so much fun.
Thanks for replying so quickly Duane!
I really appreciate it, and your website is fantastic. You may
not realize how useful all your tips are to me! It really helps! Its' also good
to know there are people who are willing to give advice for free without gouging
You were 100% correct! No more popping out of first gear. Duane, thanks
again for the help and for the wonderful web sight. Your knowledge is
invaluable. If you ever get to Minnesota look me up and I owe you a drink.
Actually I probably owe you an entire dinner.
After much off-list consultation with Duane, I pulled the bearing stack. As
suspected, both races had spun slightly. ---Details removed---I want to thank
Duane for his insightful and personalized responses to my queries. His
pages are a great resource.
Duane, With your experience, I am learning new things about these bikes. Applying theories is one thing, reality is another. Field experience is crucial
to practical application of the theories. Most of my real experience is with
cars and not everything translates. Thanks for being willing to help out in this
forum, it's not many that would go so far to further the hobby as you have. Brian