Day one
I got home last night around 6 pm. I needed to eat but I wasn’t hungry. I managed to eat a little.
I slept poorly through most of the night. I remember waking up to see that it was just after 5 AM. I changed my position and next thing I knew it was almost 8 AM. Finally, some decent rest.
The drugs that get delivered each week were on the front porch. That solved what could have been a problem.
While at Kaiser, someone called me and got the info to deliver the drugs. However, last night I missed a call asking for that information. I tried calling back but gave up after being on hold for 10 minutes.
My bedroom is on the second floor and the bathroom is on the first. Rather than go up and down many times in the middle of the night, I have a “pee bottle.” I used it so many times last night that it was more than twice as full as when I hadn’t been sick. I am overhydrated and that is the result.
Since I could not sleep well, I got up to do some of this computer work. All at once I felt that I was going to vomit so I went over to the waste basket. I didn’t but now the wastebasket is next to my bed just in case.
I am unstable, weak, and emotionally tired. When I put on my tee shirt, it tired me out and I had to rest for a few minutes.
I have a video conference shortly and will see how that goes. It went very poorly. The “expert” Kaiser employee didn’t know anything about my case. It was a total waste of my time.
At about 4 PM it was time to remove the old drug container and install the new one. I called Kaiser for help and got a woman who was able to talk me through every single step. She is wonderful. I must do this every day around the same time. For certain steps I need to open a package of alcohol wipes to sterilize the new ends of the drug container, which is a round ball looking thing. As we finished, I told her that I was keeping the used alcohol wipes for another use. I will put them in my gun cleaning kit for use again in a gun barrel.
My goal today is to prepare my room for my new normal. I was able to get many things moved around to a better place.
My right leg is very weak, so when I walk up the stairs, I do the climbing with my left leg and then pull the right leg up.
Typing the above has tired me out.
I just took my temperature, and it is only one degree high. I am not strong enough to shake it back down.
At lunch time I opened a can of black beans. They tasted good. I need the energy from food. I hope more of my appetite returns soon. I discovered that the dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe’s taste good, so I ate two.
I got some rest this afternoon. I am feeling better now. Vanessa came over to give the ballot that she picked up for me. I filled it out and she will submit it.
She took photos of my drug administration equipment. I will try to put them in this update.

My Trustee Vanessa stopped by with my ballot. She knew how to vote on the local officials. For president, I voted libertarian as always. I filled it out and she will submit it tomorrow. That was important to me.
Funny thing is that she knew nothing about how to shake a thermometer down.
For dinner, I was able to eat some mashed potatoes, black beans, and dark chocolate Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups. Later I ate two fig bars and a package of Skinny Pop. It seems that my appetite has returned.
The bad news is that my drug container isn’t getting smaller, so I think it isn’t sending the drugs to my body. I will call to check on it in the morning. I hope that “no drugs” isn’t why my appetite is better.
I hope to make a daily update to keep friends informed. This is how you will learn how I am doing.
Don’t call me, instead send an email but don’t expect an answer. I keep my phone on silent when I nap.
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