Day 10

Day 10

I went to bed around midnight.  The air was reported to be very clear.  For me, that means that I can open my window and turn the fan on to get the cold air into my room.

It worked, by morning I got the room temperature down to 58, and I slept quite well.

This morning I woke up in time to watch my favorite TV show “Sunday Morning.”

I also put the cat food out.  We are down to only two cats living outside.  One is Blackie, and he is quite tame. The other is a feral cat that Rod named Cloud.  Neither cat showed up for food, and that is very unusual.  Blackie just showed up, so we are only missing Cloud.  Cloud just showed up, so both are OK.

I looked at the usual spot for the coyote, and he wasn’t visible.  Rod spotted him farther down.

I cooked another patty of Beyond meat and ate half.  The other half is for tomorrow.  I finished the remaining asparagus tips.  I had to eat more of the vegan ice cream.  It is yummy.

My order of safesound personal alarms arrived.  One is for me, and I will give the others away.  They put out ear-piercing 125 DB of sound to scare off a bad person.

Two dear friends (students) showed up for a visit this afternoon.  I got to learn what is working in their life.  They arrived just as I had to swap out the old empty Penicillin container for a new one.  I am so proud of what they are doing.

Dinner was simple, and I ate a lot.  As usual, I ate some of my split pea soup.  While watching TV, I had to taste some of the vegan ice cream.  It is still wonderful.

The pollution report was very low, so I opened the window and turned on the fan.  I fell asleep easily.

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