Day 5
I slept poorly again, and I think it may be related to the Penicillin infusion.
The air is very clear for my walk later.
My temperature is normal at 97.1
I washed the ashes off of my car. It was a challenge because I had to protect the infusion line. It wore me out, and I had to rest.
Noon time and I was hungry, so I ate the ½ Beyond Burger, broccoli, cauliflower, black beans, and mashed potatoes.
I took a long nap after lunch and before my scheduled meeting with Elizabeth, my infusion helper. I asked a friend to make a video of the entire process, which is quite simple. Elizabeth was in a meeting, so I was on my own. We got a good video.
I would like to walk, but I haven’t recovered from the car washing.
I am low on energy.
My dinner was the usual, plus some of my homemade split pea soup, which is very good.
I am sick and tired of election news. I can’t wait until it is over. I am mostly interested in the California propositions.
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