My start in life and Ham radio
by Duane Ausherman
This photo shows me at my radio station in my bedroom. My first Ham rig was all homemade. I have no photos of that equipment. My first transmitter had only one tube and was built on a piece of wood. It put out about 7 watts.
I worked hard at anything that paid money to be able to purchase better toys. The receiver in the photo is a Collings 74A1, and the transmitter is an Allied kit that I assembled. Collins was considered the top of the line, but this Collings receiver was the first Ham model, so it was old and cheap.
I recently found a box of stuff that we cleaned out of my mother’s house after she died in 1997. She kept these photos of me as a youngster. I look so naive and innocent. Who knew how that would all change?
I was Baptised before I was a year old. It didn’t work.
Updated 24 Sept 2019