Day 3

Day 3 I slept poorly due to taking too many naps yesterday.  I really need to start living a normal schedule, so this doesn’t happen. Around 1 AM, I got up to implement some minor changes to “Bloody Urine.” I sent an email to Zak Vetter to ask about a few things.  I hope to …

Day 1

Day one I got home last night around 6 pm.  I needed to eat but I wasn’t hungry.  I managed to eat a little. I slept poorly through most of the night.  I remember waking up to see that it was just after 5 AM.  I changed my position and next thing I knew it …

Mayer Day Long Saddles

The Mayer Day Long Saddle by Duane Ausherman This was one of the more popular aftermarket saddles used on BMW motorcycles.

heart disease

My heart disease story by Duane Ausherman This is an article in progress.  I hope to add to it from time to time. Previous to my quintuple by-pass surgery, I nearly died three times in the previous year.   I may add to this article later…… I hope. The day after Linda and I got married …

BP and steps

These are records of my daily blood pressure and steps. I use the Omron system for checking blood pressure. You will see some notes in the comment section on the right side. On later pages, I finally started recording in a consistent fashion. Usually, I go for two walks a day. The first number is …

Ham Radio Contesting

Years ago I enjoyed competing in Ham Radio contests. If a Ham did well, a certificate was issued and mailed to him/her. It was normal for the recipient to fasten it to the walls of the Ham shack. It was referred to as “wallpaper” by Hams. I never did that. I not only didn’t use …

Atomic bomb story

I sold my BMW motorcycle franchise in early 1975. I immediately bought a workshop in Fort Bidwell, CA, from a widow whose husband had recently died. Next door to my good friend, Rod Miller, was Bud Lewis. We talked, and I helped him with a few minor chores around his place. We exchanged stories about …

Hunting and fishing

I learned to shoot my father’s bolt action rifle when I was nine years old. For my thirteenth birthday, I got a Sears single shot 22 rifle.  It had been $14.95 and was on sale for $9.95. My grandfather loaned me his 410 shotgun.  It, too, was a single shot. In the winter, I would …

BMW parts sources

I compiled a list of parts sources for your bike. It is now 2023, and many are out of business. If you know about a trusted source or dealer that is not listed here, please let me know. USA Sources Toastertan Custom Airhead Parts Website: ———————————————————— Re-Psycle at 240 West Columbus Street, P.O. box …